Preludes to The Art of Fugue

by Filippo Gorini

Conceived as a booklet to the album, these sonnets and haikus are meant to be preludes to each counterpoint and canon in The Art of Fugue.


Gray the soul and scourged by dirt

before the unknown, remembered gate

wrought in sand and bramble ashes

in the desert mount of reckoning.

Here know true silence

in the wake of the trumpets:

take the burrowed, rising path

through dead ways of stone

and flippant games of life, and

go. Round that furthest corner

past the struggles we avoided

glows a run-down neon scripture

upon this senseless calm. Cross

the gate, pilgrim - come...


The distant rote in the granite teeth

heard pulsing in the temple

neither machine or body

but the dancing of the golems.

Seek, and you shall find,

why the incessant dance, why

spirits should bind to lifeless dust,

and mirror the stars in elusion.

Mankind fell responding

to this primal invitation

of the senses with no sense, and yet

there is understanding to be had

in the restless noise of the rocks

grinding away at the flow of time.


Answers can only find you

in the world of perpetual solitude,

all gregarious chatter sealed outside

the waning senses: thus the oracle

is mute to dreary merchants 

of knowledge; she is a vision

for the blind, she is a song

when the singing has stopped.

In this stony mausoleum

removed from the echo of time

removed from the braces of space

the way is not forwards or backwards

but the alchemy of tears transfigured

into the alien flame of prophecy.


Light seeps into the eyes

the breath of a rose garden

over the earthy moss

at the edge of the thicket.

Sparse birdsong rings a message

guiding steps in zephyr sunlight

through their ventures unexpected

 until they cease their moves to listen.

What does the bird speak 

to the observant roses? What

secrets hides time in their 

silent bloom? Vivid promise 

dyes these petals, murmured heartbeat

gives flight to these feathers meek.


In autumnal rock

motion bound to single point

the dance has no space


At the source of Acheron

trickles water slow

amid old stones undeciphered,

crumbling relic of shepherds

and their hearts’ beliefs

in the tales of heroes and gods.

Newborn currents clash

carrying echoes down the valley

before they are lost in silence.

If the bell should ring eternal,

its peal not stifled by reality

and the crude torment of opposition,

there would be no music...

Only death in life gives birth.


In the face of the abyss

do not fare well,

but fare forward, pilgrim,

only fearing the torpid stagnation

of dignified prosperity, the commodity

of satisfied assurance that the deed

is done. Far more lies ahead

past the mighty waterfall, 

regally still and perpetually dancing

with no retrospection

of its inevitable steps.

When the moment comes, and the heavens

call for heroes, remember: peace 

when possible, truth at all costs.


Calm, dark waters reflect the heart

cold under moonlight so terse

the hunter runs his fingers

on its countless scars,

wrinkles forbidden in the well.

Give me this water, that I thirst not

in this dreamed maze of mirrors.

Seeking finds the meaning 

of senselessness: what may have been 

and what has been

are one, vibrating differently

in the different dimensions

speculated by the labour of men

and only known to the gods. 


Desolated soul

circling backwards, like ripples

in the wintry dew


Mythology lost

in the murmuring shell of time

stranded at shore after the blood

was lifted by the wind

to settle again and again,

its meaning vanished.

And yet it lingers, 

relic of paradox, grit

in the fumes of tears forgotten. 

From these pillars

memories sing litanies

to the living and the dead,

waiting shards suspended

in the tyrant wind of time.


The one rule broken

restraining men from

the knowledge of gods

and the old titan is unchained,

in darkness fiercely blazing

turbines of Pentecostal fire.

Who shall stand this dance

when shackles turn 

to dust in an instant

and walls and towers

fall like chess pieces

their games trivial

in the eye of the planets

and their orbits impassible?


The future is a faded song

unfolding unprepared

on stranger land, 

footsteps stumbling

on stones with muted voices,

its pattern even secret

to the prophets. Time

breathes air, time 

lives, as we in time live

perhaps mirroring each other

under the starlight’s shimmer,

our songs, together woven,

tapestry of the Moirai

and hymn to the mysteries.


Still litany of memory

sung with wavering breath

of the rarest incense that

stained those ancient pages.

Vision turns clear

through the unbearable pain

that’s toll for miracle:

where past and future gather

at some point

of a time that is not time,

Time’s fabric will be

twisted, looped, and torn

and all will be lost, and perhaps

all will be new.


Unexpected spring

breeze warming the frosty roots

awakened in dance


In the stillness of dance

the sight of death vanishes

preparing the time of silence

that clears intuition with truth:

an unknown secret

all will be as it should not

the rose and the fire - one;

the fire and the rose - one;

nothing was as it should

a familiar revelation

that clouded judgement with lies:

setting aside the space of noise

the blindness of life emerges

In the movement of prayer


...and the dance is a prayer

round and round the fire

body pulsing in ritual

under the summer stars

celebrating pilgrimage

we dance in preparation

when the final day is near

and the prayer is a dance

round and round the fire

mind pounding in litany

above the summer sands

welcoming prophecy

we pray in trepidation

when the blessed night is here...


Embers in summer

voiceless, passing messengers...

of light, or darkness?


At the still point of the turning world

no silence like this silence 

waiting frozen in ashes.

Memories lead to one end, 

but to what end

I do not know. 

I have no strength

to know, no will

to love or pray...

I stare at the fire

until the flame dies out

and I hear in the dark

my name 

in the whispers of angels